
Revolutionary Body Contouring in Kelowna, BC

Defining & Enhancing Your Shape With aging comes loss of collagen and elasticity with subsequent skin sagging, cellulite and unwanted bulges.  The majority of us of an innate ability of wanting to be fitter and healthier and we can all identify areas of our body we would like to improve upon.  From bad habits to…


Hello Radiesse: The Secret to Age Defying Hands

Age Defying Hands with Radiesse With facial rejuvenation at an all time high, gone are the days where your hands can give away your chronological age.  Yes, thanks to the novel long lasting filler Radiesse, you can now have younger looking hands.  The beauty of Radiesse filling of the hands is that results are immediate…


Skin Goals 2017: Hello Flawless Skin

Ready, Set, Go: Flawless Skin beckons As clocks throughout the world ticked past midnight and we welcome the new year in with open arms, dreams and aspirations; now is a better time than ever to reflect on last year and focus on goals for 2017.  I started penning this blog with the objective of all…


Belkyra: Goodbye Double Chin

Belkyra: Wave Goodbye to the Double Chin In the era of smartphones and selfies, gone are the days of trying to hide the fullness under the chin with scarves & beards, painful neck & shoulder posturing and not to forget awkward angling of the smartphone or tablet. Make way for Belkyra ™, an advanced non-invasive…


Brotox: Botox for Men

Brotox: What Men Want “Brotox” or Botox for men in Kelowna has become even more popular and socially acceptable with time.  With non-invasiveness and minimal to zero downtime, more and more men are seeking this refreshing treatment.  According the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there was a 337 percent increase in men getting Botox over…


Sclerotherapy: Love Your Legs

Sclerotherapy: The Top 5 Benefits Are your leg feeling and looking tired? Sclerotherapy might be the solution for you.  It is highly effective in treating and removing  unsightly varicose veins and thread or reticular veins from your legs and body.  Below follow some of its’ benefits: Bring back the joy your legs deserve. Praven Chetty,…


Kelowna IPL Rejuvenation

Positively Rejuvenating IPL The warm season in the Okanagan is all about the outdoors: boating, beaches, hikes, etc.  It all feels just so good for our body, mind and soul. However the shower of UVA/UVB rays on our skin can leave footprints such as wrinkles, pigmented spots and redness on our skin surface. As the…


Beauty & The Art of Beautification

Beauty & The Art of Beautification August signifies the pinnacle of summer, and what better time to reflect and appreciate all that has passed.  July 2007, an exciting educational trip to the USA to meet and learn from some of the world’s most reputable cosmetic surgeons and doctors, amongst them esteemed Parisian plastic surgeon Dr. Pierre…


Botox Eye and Brow Rejuvenation

Botox Eye and Brow Treatment for Youthful Eyes Botox in Kelowna eye and brow treatments are some of the many anti-aging treatment options available for eye rejuvenation.  When you talk to people, do you look at their eyes the most?  The majority of us will probably answer yes. Maybe because the eyes are the most…


The Skin Fit Habit

The Skin Fit Habit The first time I visited London, I could not help but noticing a beautiful African woman sitting opposite me on the London Tube. She was wearing a beautiful, colorful dress and her hair was tied up using a scarf which complemented her dress.  She had a vibrant smile and her skin…



Dr. Praven Chetty is a multi-award winning aesthetic physician specializing in natural looking, long lasting results. Dr. Praven Chetty combines his vast knowledge of anatomy and ageing with evidenced based cutting-edge techniques for truly customized outcomes.