
Microneedling vs. Microdermabrasion: What Does Your Skin Like Best?

Microneedling and microdermabrasion are two popular cosmetic procedures in Kelowna, BC. Both treatments rejuvenate the skin and enhance skin health, but they use different mechanisms and offer distinct benefits. This blog will provide a comparison of microneedling and microdermabrasion, helping you understand which treatment might be best suited for your skin concerns and goals. What…


Why Choose Our Cosmetic Skincare Clinic in Kelowna? Expert Tips and Benefits

One of the most important steps when considering cosmetic treatments is choosing an experienced aesthetic physician who can ensure safe and reliable care. At Cerulean Medical Institute, we are dedicated to patient safety and exceptional results. These are some of the key reasons why you should consider our cosmetic skincare clinic for your next cosmetic…


Belkyra Double Chin Treatment in Kelowna

A double chin can give the face an aged or heavier appearance, which is bothersome for many men and women. Fortunately, non-surgical treatments like Belkyra can reduce and eliminate a double chin and restore your confidence with quick treatment and minimal recovery. This is everything that you need to know if you are considering Belkyra…


Non-Surgical BBL Questions Answered

The BBL or Brazilian Butt Lift is a popular procedure for women who want to enhance the shape, size and contour of their buttocks, accentuating their feminine silhouette. At Cerulean Medical Institute, we are pleased to offer non-surgical BBL treatments to give you exceptional results with less downtime and recovery. This is what you need…


Innovative Cellulite Treatments For Smooth Skin

Cellulite is a common skin condition that affects 80-90% of women, and it can be a source of much frustration and self-consciousness. Cellulite causes decreased self-esteem and confidence, affecting dressing and cover up. Fortunately, at Cerulean Medical Institute, we offer several effective cellulite treatments to target the root causes of cellulite and help restore smoother…


Lax Belly Skin? Try These Skin Tightening Treatment Options

Many people struggle with loose skin around their abdomen due to factors like aging, weight loss, pregnancy, or genetics. Fortunately, advancements in cosmetic procedures have provided several effective treatment solutions for tightening lax belly skin. Patients looking to tone their bodies and enhance their figure should consider the following skin tightening treatments in Kelowna. Radiofrequency…


How Long Does Botox Last?

Botox is one of our most popular anti-aging treatment options in Kelowna because of its ability to quickly and painlessly address early signs of aging. Wrinkle softening and skin smoothing effects last 3-4 months and improve with regular treatments. Read on to learn what you can expect from the results of your Botox treatment in…


Best Facial Treatments for Anti-Aging

Age-related skin conditions can hinder your confidence and the look of your skin. Whether you are worried about sagging, wrinkling, broken blood vessels, dryness, or age spots, our facial treatments at Cerulean Medical Institute in Kelowna, BC can help you combat these symptoms of aging as they emerge or before they occur. Many symptoms of…


Anti-Aging Injections for Wrinkle Reduction and Wellbeing

As you age, it’s normal to be concerned about aging signs like wrinkles, sagging skin, and volume loss. These are a natural product of aging, but when they cause you to look older than you feel, it can affect your confidence. If aging signs make you look tired, worn out, sad or angry, it likely…


Prejuvenation vs. Rejuvenation Treatments

Aesthetic treatments are well-known for their anti-aging benefits, but the benefits can be multiplied with prejuvenation treatments that target skin aging before damage and complications to the skin begins. What is Prejuvenation? Prejuvenation is a relatively newer term for anti-aging treatments. Prejuvenation is all about prevention. Although prejuvenation cannot stop the aging process, it can…

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Dr. Praven Chetty is a multi-award winning aesthetic physician specializing in natural looking, long lasting results. Dr. Praven Chetty combines his vast knowledge of anatomy and ageing with evidenced based cutting-edge techniques for truly customized outcomes.