
Best Facial Treatments for Anti-Aging

Age-related skin conditions can hinder your confidence and the look of your skin. Whether you are worried about sagging, wrinkling, broken blood vessels, dryness, or age spots, our facial treatments at Cerulean Medical Institute in Kelowna, BC can help you combat these symptoms of aging as they emerge or before they occur. Many symptoms of…


Anti-Aging Injections for Wrinkle Reduction and Wellbeing

As you age, it’s normal to be concerned about aging signs like wrinkles, sagging skin, and volume loss. These are a natural product of aging, but when they cause you to look older than you feel, it can affect your confidence. If aging signs make you look tired, worn out, sad or angry, it likely…


Prejuvenation vs. Rejuvenation Treatments

Aesthetic treatments are well-known for their anti-aging benefits, but the benefits can be multiplied with prejuvenation treatments that target skin aging before damage and complications to the skin begins. What is Prejuvenation? Prejuvenation is a relatively newer term for anti-aging treatments. Prejuvenation is all about prevention. Although prejuvenation cannot stop the aging process, it can…


The Best Smile Line Treatment Solutions

The prominent creases of smile lines, also known as nasolabial folds, can impact one’s overall facial harmony and convey aging concerns. Fortunately, continued advancements in medical science and technology have led to an array of treatment options to address smile lines effectively. Understanding Smile Lines Before delving into treatment modalities, it’s crucial to understand the…


Best Lip Wrinkle Treatment Options

The emergence of fine lines and wrinkles on your lips can indicate visible signs of aging that you may want to conceal. Sometimes, at-home skin care treatments cannot address the wrinkles that we need them to. At Cerulean Medical Institute, we offer various effective treatments, from peels to skin tightening to dermal fillers, to address…


What Is Prejuvenation and Why Is It So Popular?

Rejuvenation treatments and procedures focus on correcting cosmetic issues that have already occurred. The newly introduced prejuvenation treatments focus on non-invasive treatment methods to prevent skin aging. This popular and effective treatment option has emerged for patients in their twenties to help them maintain their youthful look while combatting the onset of fine lines and…


Skin Tips to Achieve Better Skin in 2024

As we enter 2024, it’s a good time to be thinking about your goals for the upcoming year. One great goal to have, is taking better care of your skin – although it may feel a little overwhelming to consider what that looks like for you and your skincare regimen. Ultimately, everyone’s skincare regimen and…


How Facial Fat Aging Can Make the Face Look Older

Aging can affect the appearance and functioning of your entire body. As you get older the skin on your face can start to sag and you lose volume around the temples, eyes, cheeks, mouth, jawline and chin. Many individuals attribute facial aging to gravity and the laxity of skin tissues, however, facial fat volume depletion…


How Botox and Dermal Fillers Can Be Used to Combat Facial Aging?

You may notice fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss in your face as you age. Botox and dermal fillers are non-surgical cosmetic treatments in Kelowna designed to reduce visible signs of facial aging. These treatments offer fast and effective results with a variety of benefits for minimizing wrinkles, restoring facial volume, and giving you a…


Laser Treatment Benefits for Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin disorder that manifests as excessive facial redness with visible capillaries and or acne lesions that can negatively affect your self-esteem and self-confidence. Our Kelowna skincare centre offers personalized laser treatments to reduce visible redness and flushing as well as the acne breakouts. Laser treatment options in Kelowna include vascular laser treatments…



Dr. Praven Chetty is a multi-award winning aesthetic physician specializing in natural looking, long lasting results. Dr. Praven Chetty combines his vast knowledge of anatomy and ageing with evidenced based cutting-edge techniques for truly customized outcomes.