Positively Rejuvenating IPL
The warm season in the Okanagan is all about the outdoors: boating, beaches, hikes, etc. It all feels just so good for our body, mind and soul. However the shower of UVA/UVB rays on our skin can leave footprints such as wrinkles, pigmented spots and redness on our skin surface.
As the summer winds down in our beautiful valley and we head into harvest season it’s time to rid the skin of the summer blushes and blemishes and bring back the glow. With speckled brown spots and flushing redness showing its face, now is a great time to rejuvenate “with back to skin therapies.” One of the best rejuvenating skin treatments for the fall season is a course of IPL photorejuvenation treatments. Intense pulse light treatment helps reduce the red and brown aftermath of summer as well assisting new collagen formation in our skin.
The result…well toned skin with a refreshing radiance and glow; the envy of the table. The photos below illustrate the benefits of IPL photo-rejuvenation treatments with dramatic improvement evidenced by improvement of overall tone, reduction of red and brown spots, improved skin texture and pore size with lasting radiance.

Intense pulse light therapy is a excellent non-invasive ant-aging solution that can be used to treat brown and red spots in many different parts of the body with beautifully positive results with little to no downtime.
A truly fantastic treatment option for restoring your skin to healthier, youthful state.
Praven Chetty, MD, CCFP, DPD, DAAAM
Medical Director @ Cerulean Medical Institute, Kelowna, BC.
Copyright 2016.