Brotox: What Men Want
“Brotox” or Botox for men in Kelowna has become even more popular and socially acceptable with time. With non-invasiveness and minimal to zero downtime, more and more men are seeking this refreshing treatment. According the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there was a 337 percent increase in men getting Botox over the past decade with over 400,000 men receiving Botox injections in 2014. Use of dermal fillers also saw an increase with over 90,000 men getting fillers in 2014 accounting for a 86 percent increase over the past decade.
More and more men are having Botox, not only to look younger, but also to look and feel better, to appear fitter as well as more competitive.

Facial wrinkles and lines are not sex discriminatory, and with more and more males opting for this age defying non-surgical treatment solution, “brotox” demand is higher than ever. This trend continues to gather pace and image conscious men want what women have enjoyed for years. Botox works by relaxing wrinkles and lines, giving you a more rested and attractive appearance, shedding years off your life.
Men are becoming more proactive in caring for their skin and appearance with increased pressures to maintain a more youthful and attractive appearance in competitive job markets. “Brotox” demand is anticipated to sky-rocket with more and more men desiring to look and feel better than ever before.
Anatomy and muscle density of the male’s face are vary from that of a female’s face, thus injection technique, patterns and dosing for males are very different. Generally males require higher doses of Botox for line softening as they have much more dense or thicker muscle fibers. Common areas for Botox treatment in men are the frown lines and the crow’s feet, leaving them with a rested and rejuvenated look. Personalized treatment is imperative to ensuring desired treatment goals are achieved.
Praven Chetty, MD, CCFP, DPD, DAAAM
Medical Director @ Cerulean Medical Institute, Kelowna, BC.
Copyright 2016.