If you’re getting ready for your Botox in Kelowna or Dermal Filler treatments, there are things you should (and shouldn’t) do to get the best results from your procedure. In most cases, these appointments are as simple as booking a time and coming in for 30 minutes before getting on with the rest of your day. There are still important things to consider, as this is a medical procedure. The tips are to help make the results look great and last a long time as well as to help prevent side effects.
What to Do Before Your Botox or Filler Treatment
The first thing to keep in mind for your injectable procedure is to arrive 10 minutes before your appointment to allow time for paperwork and photos to be completed. To ensure we provide you with excellent care it is important that our patients are punctual. Please plan your commute ahead and add extra time in case of traffic to avoid unnecessary stress.
Please note that one week before your procedure it is best to refrain from using harsh exfoliating products or having any facials or other cosmetic procedures that might affect the integrity of the surface of the skin.
On the day of your procedure, you should arrive without makeup on the areas to be treated. You can apply a thin moisturizer.
To help you best, it’s important to inform Dr. Chetty of your medical, drug history as well as any other cosmetic procedures you have had in the past.
For best results we strongly recommend you avoid alcohol intake, Ibuprofen, aspirin, caffeine, green tea and ginseng 2 days before your treatment. If you have a history of cold sores in the past, be sure to let us know so Dr. Chetty can prescribe you antiviral prophylaxis to take before your treatment.
Mental and Emotional Prep
We know that having a relaxed and calm state of mind before, during and after the treatment has a positive impact on your recovery. Especially for first time patients, it is normal to have feelings of excitement and some tension. At Cerulean Medical Institute, our experienced medical team ensure you are well taken care of and at ease during your treatment.
Listening to calming music, yoga, meditation and a sense of humor are great ways to ease off tension and unwind. Get your fix of exercise before your procedure.
We strongly discourage the intake of caffeine, alcohol or other recreational drugs before your procedure.
What Not to Do With Botox or Filler
To enjoy the benefits from your injectable treatments quickly and with the most natural-looking results, you’ll want to minimize side effects that are common after these types of procedures. The most common side effects that can have an impact on your appearance are bruising, swelling, and redness. Rarely is it possible to completely avoid these side effects. By knowing what substances and habits to avoid, you will have a good chance of minimizing them.
To reduce the risk of bruising, do not consume alcohol, ibuprofen, aspirin, caffeine, green tea or ginseng for at least 48 hours before and after your appointment. You can return to normal activities immediately after your treatments; however we instruct patients not to exercise or perform strenuous activities for at least 24 hours.
Redness and swelling can be treated with ice and cold packs applied to the affected area. These effects are usually minimal and fade quickly after your treatment. You should not press directly on the injection sites for at least a day. You can wash your face as normal and apply moisturizers as long as you do so gently without excessive rubbing or pressure as this manipulation could affect your treatment results.
We recommend our patients to start over the counter oral Arnica after their dermal filler treatment. Arnica is proven to help minimize post procedure swelling and bruising. You can purchase Arnica at local natural food stores.
Above all, take Dr. Chetty’s instructions to heart. Avoid and disregard unproven advice you might find on the internet unless the source of the information comes from validated studies and a reputable medical source.
Your procedure is as unique as you are, which means no other person’s experience (good or bad) will be the same as yours. The internet doesn’t have a medical degree nor years of medical experience and the source of information you find on reviews, articles and blogs most times don’t have a full grasp of the medical nature of these cosmetic procedures.
Holistic Selfcare After Your Botox & Filler Treatments
You may be hyper-focused on the side effects that follow your injectable treatment, so one thing to do to help take your mind off things and encourage good blood circulation is to go for a gentle stroll. Your “settled” and natural looking appearance won’t be apparent for at least a few weeks, so now isn’t the time to immediately scrutinize how you look, nor is it the time to take your “after” photo.
As you get back to your normal routine, eat healthy and nutritious foods and beverages to encourage expedited healing and feeling well. Avoid excessively sugary and salty foods.
At your in-office follow up assessment usually scheduled a few weeks post treatment, we assess your progress and analyze your results.
Get the Most of Your Cosmetic Procedures at Cerulean Medical Institute in Kelowna, British Columbia
You can trust our experienced and knowledgeable skincare experts at Cerulean Medical Institute to provide you with the customized pre and post advice that you require to get the best cosmetic results possible. Learn more about how to get the best results from your Botox and Dermal Filler treatments by calling us on 778-760-5050 or contacting us online today.