IPL Photofacial, Chemical Peels, Medical Spa Kelowna British Columbia, Cerulean Medical Institute, Even Toned Skin

Hyperpigmentation, dyspigmentation and sun damage can leave you with an uneven skin tone and an appearance you no longer feel confident about. If you feel self-conscious about uneven skin tone or texture, Cerulean Medical Institute have a variety of effective skin rejuvenation treatments for you! Two of our popular treatments for uneven skin tone include chemical peels and IPL photorejuvenation. We will be discussing hyperpigmentation and dyspigmentation, prevention methods, and how each treatment is used to help you determine your best treatment option.

What Causes Uneven Skin Tone and Texture?

Uneven skin tone and texture can refer to a variety of skin conditions including blotchiness, hyperpigmentation, dyspigmentation, fine lines, redness, sunspots, etc. Hyperpigmentation is the darkening of the skin which can be caused by sun damage, genetics, acne, skin injury and inflammation. These darkened spots and patches can appear as red, brown, or dark-colored marks on the skin. Melasma is a specific type of hyperpigmentation caused by increased hormone production, commonly seen in pregnancy or women undergoing hormonal dysregulation.

Red blotches on the skin or red flushing is often caused by Rosacea, a common skin condition that may be caused by abnormalities in the blood vessels. Fine lines and wrinkles are the result of aging as our skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag or crease. These fine lines often develop in areas where there is constant motion, such as around the eyes and forehead from squinting or around the mouth from smiling, frowning, etc.

How to Prevent Hyperpigmentation

It might be challenging to completely prevent hyperpigmentation, depending on what is causing it, however there are a few things you can do to minimize its appearance. One of the most important steps is to protect your skin from the sun by wearing a broad-spectrum daily sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, re-applying it every 2 hours when exposed to UV rays. Wearing a hat as well as SPF applications will give your skin the ultimate protection. Broad spectrum sunscreen targets both UVA and UVB rays from the sun, giving your skin the broader protection. Sunscreen should be worn even on cloudy or cold days when UV rays are still present.

You should keep your skin moisturized and use retinol two to three times weekly to increase cell turnover for brighter skin. Retinol is a vitamin A derivative that can exfoliate the skin, unclog large pores, and increase collagen production. Good quality medical grade moisturizers hydrate the skin, and repair the skin’s barrier which acts as a protective layer for the skin. At Cerulean Medical Institute we offer many dermatologist-approved, medical-grade skincare products and we can give you recommendations based on your skin type and skin needs.

When washing your face, be gentle with your skin. Scrubbing acne or squeezing stubborn pimples can lead to further skin damage and potential scarring. If these at-home methods are not giving you ideal results, we offer a variety of effective skin rejuvenation and resurfacing treatments, including chemical peels, IPL and laser treatments.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can be customized for all skin types, including sensitive skin. At Cerulean Medical Institute, we use medical grade peels with ingredients that give you anti-aging benefits and beautiful toned skin. These anti-aging peels exfoliate the skin and removes old skin cells and imperfections on the surface of the skin so that a healthy, vibrant underlayer of skin can be revealed. They stimulate your body’s natural collagen production to add subtle volume and tightness and an extra anti-aging boost that develops over time.

Chemical peels can treat:

  • Discoloration and hyperpigmentation
  • Dark spots and sunspots
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Enlarged pores

IPL Photorejuvenation

IPL stands for intense pulsed light and the intensity of this light rejuvenation treatment makes it highly effective with long-lasting results. Unlike other lasers, the IPL uses multiple wavelengths to penetrate the skin at a deeper depth without harming the surface layer. This skin rejuvenation treatment requires 4-6 treatments scheduled 4 weeks apart, leaving you with bright and rejuvenated skin.

Photorejuvenation with the IPL can treat the following skin conditions:

  • Discoloration and hyperpigmentation
  • Redness and rosacea
  • Brown spots
  • Sun damage

Chemical Peels and IPL Photorejuvenation: Which Treatment is Right for Me?

Both chemical peels and IPL Photorejuvenation are highly effective at treating a variety of skin conditions, however each is better suited for different needs. Treatment depends on skin type, age, genetics, skin pathology, etc. For example, if you want to treat acne and acne scarring, a chemical peel may be the better option. IPL treatment is generally not recommended for people with active acne. IPL is also not recommended for people with darker skin tones. If you fall into one of those categories, chemical peels may be the better option for you. On the other hand, IPL is the better option for severe Rosacea patients that cannot be treated with chemical peels.

These treatment options overlap with many of the skin concerns they can treat, including hyperpigmentation and dyspigmentation. For best results and long-term benefit, we often use combination treatments spaced a few months apart. Your choice of treatment is decided following thorough assessment by our skin care experts.

Schedule Your Chemical Peel or IPL Photorejuvenation Consultation

Chemical peels and IPL Photorejuvenation are great ways to effectively improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation, dyspigmentation, Rosacea and other skin blemishes. To discuss chemical peels and the IPL treatments in more detail, call our Kelowna office at (778) 760-5050 or schedule your consultation online today. Our skin care specialists will assess your skin and help you decide on the best treatment plan, customized to your needs and cosmetic goals.

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Dr. Praven Chetty is a multi-award winning aesthetic physician specializing in natural looking, long lasting results. Dr. Praven Chetty combines his vast knowledge of anatomy and ageing with evidenced based cutting-edge techniques for truly customized outcomes.